
How to Overcome WFH Burnout virtual assistant?

Continuous technological advances and the internet have influenced how companies conduct their operations. Apart from being able to streamline their business operations, employers were also able to consider the work setup of their workforce. Some businesses have let their employees work remotely to reduce overhead costs.

But while work from home has been on the rise recently, this work setup has become apparent to many office-based companies during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Company employers and employees continued working remotely to protect themselves from the dangerous virus.

Work from home setup has various other benefits apart from keeping people safe from the virus causing COVID-19 infection. And less commute stress, location independence, money savings, and increased productivity and performance are among the advantages of working from home.

However, like everything else, work from home setup also has drawbacks. When working remotely, the lines between work and non-work are actually blurring, which in most cases, leads to employees struggling to preserve healthy boundaries between their professional and personal lives. Accordingly, this often results in work burnout.

According to a survey conducted by, approximately 69{d5e1a6ea14abe61f82d29d6270d5d462c64c0d1cb23b5d67a3e83cad44954f05} of employees working remotely are experiencing work-from-home burnout symptoms, such as overworking, feeling physically and emotionally exhausted, feeling that they lack accomplishments, becoming pessimistic, and being more irritable.

Fortunately, there are various habits that Filipino virtual assistant and freelancers practice to overcome burnout or avoid it fully. These practices include setting up specific office hours and a dedicated workspace, taking time off, and getting a hobby.

In addition, employees feeling burnt out should notify their teams about their burnout. Work-from-home virtual assistant Philippines burnout can affect an employee’s productivity and willingness to work and function, so telling the team that they are experiencing burnout can allow for better collaboration within the group. In essence, the team can redistribute the workload for easier management for the employee experiencing WFH burnout. This can also allow for encouragement from other members, assuring that the employee’s feelings are valid.

To know more about the causes of work-from-home burnout and the different ways to avoid it, see this infographic from OVA Virtual, one of the leading virtual assistant companies in the Philippines.
