
Top 10 Benefits A Great CRM Should Offer You

Customer Relationship Management, or CRM, is a type of technology that enables businesses to manage all their customer interactions effectively, therefore finding the right one can be instrumental in helping your company achieve success.

If your business is currently searching for a better way to manage customer interactions, Close is a popular all-in-one platform offering a myriad of benefits, particularly when you work with a specialist in CRM solutions, who can help you with Close CRM setup; making sure you get the most out of the platform.

Below are 10 things a great CRM should offer you:

  1. Sales team approval

If your sales reps don’t like working with a particular CRM, you’ll never get the best from it, or them. So when choosing a CRM, ensure that it helps your sales reps alleviate problems which will lead to them securing more deals.

  1. Free support

Your chosen CRM should have a department with humans, not bots, ready to offer you live support by online chat, phone, or email, free of charge.

  1. Great value

Some CRMs make inordinate amounts of money by charging extra for their features, which for smaller businesses and startups, can break their budget. Look for a CRM that you can afford, with features you want to use that are ready and available at no extra cost.

  1. Tools for sales processes

While a good CRM can help make your sales reps be more organized, it should also help them be better at what they do. Try to find a CRM with sales process capabilities that aid reps in knowing when and how to contact a customer, instead of simply managing tasks.

  1. Integration possibilities

A lot of time is lost when sales reps have to leave a CRM to do other tasks, such as check their calendar or send emails. A CRM that enables integration with the softwares your sales team are already using, will mean that they can do everything they need to, all from the same place.

  1. Custom reports

The best CRM platforms give sales teams the opportunity to filter sales and other figures to find the crucial numbers, such as by product and source, for example.

  1. Contact syncing

A truly good CRM platform gives sales teams the ability to sync their email accounts with their calendars and smartphones, giving them easy access to all account information, in one secure location, and eliminating the minutes and hours wasted on manual data entry.

  1. Quick and easy setup

You want a user-friendly CRM solution that doesn’t require a permanent admin to operate it, and which can be setup without the need for extensive training beforehand. Having said that, hiring a CRM setup consultant can help make sure the platform is up and running as quickly as possible, with also it being simple for sales reps to use from there on.

  1. Easy communication between teams

When a sales rep needs support from another team outside of their sales department, they should be able to get them involved quickly and easily. A good CRM will facilitate this, allowing for information sharing and communication between teams to take place seamlessly.

  1. Mobile access

Nowadays, sales reps are required to be as effective at their job while being both inside and outside of the office, and a platform that can be accessed from any device without losing any of the desktop features, is essential.

Having a Close CRM specialist to make sure the platform is set up exactly as it should be, and that you can easily and correctly access all of its useful features, can make the whole process run a lot smoother. And what time isn’t being spent on setting a CRM up, can be better spent on securing sales and keeping customers satisfied.